Services We Provide

IT Application Management

IT Application Management

With the advancement in technology in every aspect of business, companies are changing their interaction techniques with customers, employees, and stakeholders across the supply chain which in return are making the application management process highly complex and challenging. Delphi Technology can help you to alter this by providing a solution with features such as:

  • Cost effective solution to your business
  • Scalable, flexible, and agile product that is cloud ready
  • Easy integration and evolvement with third party
  • Effortless adoption of new practices such as microservices, design thinking etc.
  • Superior business result and strategic management of application
IT Business Process Management icon

IT Business Process Management

To help differentiate your business from the outer competitive market, Delphi Technology is providing market-leading IT Business Process Management (BPM) services that enhances client value and flexibility. Our distinctive blend of frameworks, tools, agile methodologies and skills accelerate the process task completion making clients quickly realize that the BPM investment is bringing a pragmatic business change.

IT Business Process Management
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IT Software Services

At Delphi Technology, we provide an extensive range of solutions that deliver quantifiable business value in a cost effective manner. We excel in code writing, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance providing an exceptional product that serves as a fuel to your business engine. We can provide you a complete software application for your business or can assist you in different stages of software development processes. Whether you are a small business or a large organization, our highly skilled team with over 10 years of industry experience will provide you comprehensive IT services and flexible custom-based software product. We have built strategic relationships with customers and provide maintenance support after delivering the product.

IT Software Services
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IT Outsourcing Services

IT outsourcing comes with a variety of benefits such as smooth running business 24/7, easy scalability, cost reduction, lesser load on employees for internal activities. Delphi Technology is here to help your business achieve greater heights with all the benefits mentioned above. We ensure long lasting alliance by providing excellent operational management, strategic planning, and consulting services. As an IT provider, we try to build qualitative product which is cost effective which can help your business to stay a step ahead in the competitive market.

IT Outsourcing Services
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IT Cloud Service

Delphi Technology offers cloud services in a unique way freeing up our customers from the burden of secure networks, fast recovery, IT issues etc. We have certified cloud migration professionals who regenerate the frameworks and patterns of an already existing product into an adaptable, reliable and manageable solution. Our Engineers use contemporary data engineering principles to automate manual SDLC tasks.

IT Cloud Services
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Data Analytics

Handling large amount of data seems a cumbersome process to you? We are here to help you in each stage of complex data handling. Delphi Technology comes with a bunch of experience in managing fragmented and low quality data. We visualize big data sets, use comprehensive data analytical skills and present you with a tailored and neat set of information using the best technology and strategy.

Data Analytics
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IT Training

In the fast-evolving IT market and new technologies, every company wants their staff to learn marketable skills to stay in the competition. Delphi Technology specifically offers IT training to working professionals and corporate people with flexible timings. Our instructors are well experienced having deep understanding of all IT concepts and comes with ample of industry experience.

IT Training
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Technical Communication

Delphi Technology's outstanding team of technical writers has plenty of industry experience in providing support in writing, editing, and managing technical documents. We transform our clients' requirements and ideas into structured documents. Our experts are critical thinkers and can easily gather information from client through a phone call. Our cost-effective approach makes us popular in the market.

Technical Communication
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Scanning and Digitization

For smooth functioning and high efficiency of an organization, digitization of documents is a highly important task. Delphi Technology can help you in this at a reduced cost with proper management of documents and in a format as required.

Scanning and Digitization


The process of recruiting for any industry is never an easy task. It always requires a lot of resources and cost. Delphi Technology is well known for it’s unceasing attention to detail and helps you find the best workforce for your business. We provide personalized recruitment plans for companies that makes to find the best fit for your company. We constantly quest to find the right skilled person for your business. Delhi Technology provide recruitment services in several industries such as Finance and Banking, HealthCare industry, IT consulting firms etc.
